Reasons Why Over-Sleeping Could Be bad For Your Health

We all know that getting at least eight hours sleep each night is detrimental to your health. When ever you sleep lesser than the hours stated above your blood pressure goes high and you’re prone to diabetes, heart problems and even dying earlier than expected. Also, sleeping too much could also cause the problems mention above, which is bad to your health and lifestyle according to research.
I know this may be a little strange to believe, since many of us struggle to even get barely enough.
Let get the ball rolling, Check out the reasons why over-sleeping can be bad to your heath and lifestyle:

It Impair The Brain

Over-sleeping or too little sleep worsened brain function over a certain period of time. When you over-sleep or  have a fewer sleep than anticipated, your brain ages more than it expected. 


During a long sleep one may be depress, Due to the fact that there are severe despondency in your brain and body.


According to research people who sleep more than eight hours each night are likely to develop diabetes than people who sleep on time. Beside that sleeping fewer than eight hours can also have an implication of risking diabetes.


When you sleep for quiet a long time than the normal eight hours, you are likely to gain 7 kilograms of weight over a period of time than people who sleep the normal eight hours. You will gain weight over-sleeping even if you control your food intake and to the extend of exercising.

It Can Hurt The Heart.

Sleeping eight hours or more each has been associated to a high risk of heart problems.


Studies show that people who sleep longer each night are likely to die earlier than those people sleeping eight hours.
Note:This is just a research, Nothing concrete gathered. But you must bear in mind, there is always a little bit of truth in every rumour.
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